1. Best in Show; Newburyport
Art Association Annual Photo Show; August 2006 2. Your
Best Shot, 3rd place; Popular Photography Magazine; December 2006 issue 3. Honorable Mention; Rockport
Art Association 4th Summer Photo Show; August 2006 4. Peoples Choice; Topsfield
Fair, October 2008 5.
Cover of North Shore Life magazine, spring 2009 issue 6.
Third place in Wildlife category, Prix de la Photographie Paris, June 2009 7. Honorable Mention at the Magnolia Art Festival, July 2009 8. People’s Choice at the Magnolia Art Festival, July 2009
9. Presented to First Place female and male runners
as prizes in the Around the Cape Road Race, September 2010 10. Third Place, Open Category, Mile High Wildlife Photo Club Competition, June, 2013
1. Ira Fieldsteel Memorial Award for Excellence in Photography;
Rockport Art Association 2nd Summer Photo Show, June 2007 2. The Stable One prize, Capture My Colorado Book, November 2008 3. Rocky Mountain PBS TV - "Peek-A-Boo" displayed with station identification, 2008 4. Selected as the Cover Photo for the Capture My Colorado book,
November 2008 5. Selected to be on display
at Denver International Airport and the Colorado State House in Denver, Colorado, Spring and Summer, 2009
Excellence in Photography Award; Rockport Art Association 2nd Summer Show, June 2008 2. Second Best in Show Peoples Choice, Thacher Island Annual Art Show, August 2008 3. Selected for National Geographic
slide show on Birds, 2008 4. Second Place in Photography, Magnolia Art Festival, July, 2010
1. Semifinalist, Natures Best 2010 Windland Smith Rice International 2. Excellence in Photography Award; Rockport Art Association Photographic, 4th summer Show, September
2010 3. Third Place, Wildlife Category, Mile High Wildlife Photo Club, September 2010
1. Selected as Wallpaper for
Birders World Magazine, March 2010 2. Second Place Wildlife Category, Mile High Wildlife Photo Club, March 2010 3. Semifinalist, Wildlife Photographer of
the Year, 2010
Selected for the poster, program cover and website for the Alpenglow Chamber Music Festival, Aug 2006 2. Selected for inner cover of the CD case for Sounds of the Summit, July, 2009
1. Honorable Mention, Wildlife Category, Mile High
Wildlife Photo Club, September 2010
1. Honorable Mention; Rockport Art Association; Spring
Show; May 2009
Whooo's Down There?
1. People's Choice Award, Rockport Art Association,
Second Summer Show, July 2010
A Kiss For Mom
1. Honorable Mention, Rockport Art Association, 4th Summer
Show, Aug 2008
Rufous Resting
1. Honorable Mention, Mile High Wildlife Photo Club,
Captive Wildlife Category, July 2010 2. Published, National Wildlife
Federation Magazine, Oct/Nov 2011
Over the Top 1. Honorable Mention,
Mile High Wildlife Photo Club, Scenic Category, November 2010
Food Fight 1. Honorable Mention, Mile High Wildlife Photo Club, Wildlife Category, November 2010
Thor's Hammer Sunrise
1. Honorable Mention, Mile High Wildlife Photo Club, Scenic
Category, January 2011
1. Honorable Mention, Mile High Wildlife Photo Club, Scenic
Category, February 2011
Crane Crossing
Honorable Mention, Rockport Art Association Spring Photography
Show, April 20, 2011
Totem Tracks First Place Scenic Category, Mile High Photo Club, May 2011
Ice Fishing 1. Griffin Museum of Photography award for excellence in photography, June 2011 2. People's Choice, Rockport Art Association Second Summer Show, July 2011
Dawn's Light 1. People's Choice, Magnolia Art Show, July 2011 2. 2nd Place, Mile High Wildlife Photo
Club, Open Category, Aug 2011
Spin Cycle 1. Published, National Wildlife Federation Magazine, Oct/Nov 2011 issue, Final Frame feature (full page) 2. Awarded the Grand Prize by Nature Photographer Magazine for their First Annual Nature Photography Contest, July,
2012. 3. Awarded a Highly Commended top 250 finalist in the Audubon Society of Denver, December,
2012, "Share the View" International Nature Photography competition.
Launching Leopard 3rd Place, Mile High Wildlife Photo Club, Wildlife Category, November 2011, Leopard chased
by hyenas up a tree, Masai Mara, Kenya
Galloping Flamingos 1. First Place, Mile High Wildlife Photo Club, Wildlife Category, November 2011,
Greater Flamingos, Lake Naivasha, Kenya. 2. Photo of the Week, Bird Watching Magazine,
December 5, 2011 issue
Lazy Morning 1. Honorable
Mention, Mile High Wildlife Photo Club, Wildlife Category, August, 2011 2. Semifinalist
Winner, NANPA 2012 Showcase Competition 3. Published,
NANPA Currents Winter Issue, December 2011
Chin Up Second Place, Mile High Wildlife
Photo Club, Wildlife Category, April, 2012
Cheetah Stalking Second Place, Mile High Wildlife
Photo Club, Open Category, April, 2012
Serpentine sunrise Honorable Mention, Mile
High Wildlife Photo Club, Scenic Category, April, 2012
Mother Love Third Place, Mile High Wildlife
Photo Club, Wildlife Category, August, 2012
Winged Warrior Third Place, Mile High Wildlife
Photo Club, Captive/Controlled Category, November 2012
Fish Finesse Second Place, Mile High Wildlife
Photo Club, Wildlife Category, February 2013
Gawking Goslings 1. First Place, Mile High
Wildlife Photo Club, Wildlife Category, July 2013 2. Photo of the Week, BirdWatching
Magazine, August 5, 2013 3. Cover
Photo of the Summit Daily News, May 2013
Mirror, Mirror Highly Honored Winner, Nature's
Best International Competition 2013-14, Birds Category
Snowy, Glow 1. First Place, Mile High
Wildlife Photo Club, Wildlife Category, February, 2014 2. Second Prize, Prix de la Paris Photographie, Nature-Wildlife Category, July, 2014 3. People's Choice award, Rockport Art Association Second Summer Show, July, 2014