Summer 2020, My work can now be seen at the Majestic
Gallery, Idaho Springs, Colorado.
Spring 2020, The Arts Alive Gallery moves from Breckenridge to 101 Main Street,
Frisco, Colorado. I have been with this gallery for over 10 years. Please visit our beautiful "new" gallery. September 2017, Presentation to the Mile High Wildlife Photo
Club on Svalbard, Polar Bears and the Arctic (see presentation page) March 20, 2016, I am pleased to announce that Spin Cycle received
a Merit Award at the Merrimack Valley George Glennie Photography Competition March, 2016, Presentation to granddaughter Leah's kindergarten class on Wildlife in Colorado. The 57 kindergartners were so enthusiastic and
knowledgeable. They knew all the answers! For the video: Feb, 2016, Presentation
titled "Bears and Bald Eagles of Alaska" at the Silverthorne, Colorado library was an overwelming success. Over
200 attendees arrived for the presentation. Unfortunately there was room for only 140. Appologies to those that were turned
away. Photo by Matt shetzer. January,
2016, I am pleased to announce that I have achieved the level of Masters at the Mile High
Wildlife Photo Club, Parker, Colorado. It is an honor to be "promoted" into a level of world class wildlife photographers. April, 2015, I am pleased to announce that Aurora Alive has received 2 more awards: Merit Award by the
Merrimack Valley Camera Club, Glennie Memorial Nature Photo Contest, and the Mingo Gallery Award for Excellence in Photography
at the Rockport Art Association 2015 Aug 2014, National Geographic
selects and offers 50 of my wildlife video clips on their Video Stock site
June 2014, "Desert Phantom" awarded First
Place at the Mile High Wildlife Photo Club competition. February
2014, "Snowy Glow" awarded First Place in the Wildlife Category at the Mile High Wildlife Photo Club competition. November 2013, Mirror, Mirror; Highly Honored winner in the Birds category in the Nature's Best
Windland International Competition. . October 2013, Mirror,
Mirror; Finalist in the Nature's Best Windland International Competition. .
August 2013, Mirror, Mirror; Semi-finalist in the Nature's Best Windland International Competition. . July
2013, Finding the Rhythm - an interview of this photographer by the Summit Daily News, Summit County, Colorado. . April 2013, Kindred Spirits received the Mingo Gallery and Custom Framing, Excellence in Photography Award
from the Rockport Art Association, Rockport, Massachusetts Spring 2013 Photography Show . March 2013,
Dreaming of Spring photograph published as cover photo in the Summit Daily News. March 20, 2013 . .as
a highly commended top 250 finalist in the Denver Audubon Society in the "Share the View" International Nature Photography Competition
June 2011, Ice Fishing awarded the Griffin Museum of Photography award for excellence in photography by the Rockport Art Association, Rockport,
April 2011 - Crane Crossing receives an Honorable Mention at the Rockport Art Association Spring Photography Show
February 2011 - Blog post - Ice Fishing - Eagles fishing in Ogallala, Nebraska
February 2011 - Beams Abound receives Honorable Mention from the Mile-High Wildlife Photo Club in the Scenic Category for the month of February
January 2011 - Blog post - Whoopers - Whooping Cranes in Texas